

I have never seen walls that make stuffed grouse and antlers look so appealing. I think I want to be the woman, Michele Masters, that owns this amazingly eclectic, rustic SoHo loft. Though I can be sometimes torn between clean, fresh, white and minimalist (Jacob's preference), I cannot deny that I like "things" and this lady has some "things". And I also cannot agree with her more when she says, "Only buy things that you LOVE and then figure out how to work them into your space. That way you're always surrounded by things that make you happy and your home will be a reflection of you and not look like anyone else's." Which leads to my current dilemma- Wanting to keep all the things I love and not sell them like I set out to do. How will I ever decide what I absolutely MUST hold on to? 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, amazing collections. I love her use of space too! And not in an IKEA sort of way. The large mirrors are awesome and I love her different textured walls, floors and ceilings.
